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Deakings Daycare at Peabody ECC (Obama)
Provider #: 5113775144-6
Address: 515 North Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Telephone: 412-294-2088
Hours of Operation:
Before Care - 7:30 am - Breakfast
After Care - Dismissal - 5:45 pm
While we are not owned, operated, or funded by Peabody / Obama or Pittsburgh Public School
District, our longstanding relationship and a common love of and commitment to children, make this a natural partnership that we are sure will enhance the work we all do with and for your children.
Afternoon snack provided
All snacks are peanut/tree nut-free and include items such as yogurt, pretzels, animal crackers, goldfish, cookies, etc.
Homework assistance and tutoring are available
"The future belongs to the young people with an education and the imagination to create." - Barack Obama
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